In the tradition of FANTASIA, MAKE MINE MUSIC is a glorious collection of musically charged animated shorts featuring such fun-filled favorites as "Peter And The Wolf," narrated by the beloved voice behind Winnie The Pooh. In addition, you'll enjoy such classic cartoon hits as "Casey At The Bat," "The Whale Who Wanted To Sing At The Met," and "Johnnie Fedora And Alice Bluebonnet," the whimsical adventure of two hats who fall in love in a department store window. Every member of your family will have a favorite in this musical medley of fun and fantasy from Disney.
Encoding Goals: Source: Use Bluray Rip, 4K if available otherwise 1080p, or highest available source Video: Prefer smallest video encode that doesn't contain distracting artifacting and maintains decent details. Grain: Match to original, though less noise if the original is extremely noisy. Enough to hide artifacting but not distracting. Audio: Perceptually lossless Opus from uncompressed audio track. Or spatial audio if available. Subtitles: Use most complete/accurate subs available. Otherwise generated English subtitles using the highest quality Whisper model, usually only for foreign extras. Commentary: Spoken quality Opus encode if available, 48 kbps. Naming: Should have good media center compatibility (Plex, Jellyfin, etc).
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