The Vixen Manual: How to Find, Seduce & Keep the Man You Want -Mantesh
Grand Central Publishing
Karrine Steffans
ISBN: 0446179981
350 Pages
EPUB + PDF + Mobi + Lit
881 KB + 2.59 MB + 1.04 Mb + 954 KB
Since she exploded on the scene with her two juicy and impossible-to-put-down tell-alls, readers have wanted to know even more about what makes Karrine Steffans tick. How was she able to meet all the high profile politicians, movie stars, and other celebrities that are her close acquaintances? What skills does she possess to keep men wanting more? Finally, Karrine lays it all out and explains exactly what a woman must do to win over the man of her dreams. With chapters like "Never Let Him See You Sweat," "Flirting," "Encouraging His Manhood," and "Give Him What He Wants," this hot and sexy manual is a must-have for every woman's bookshelf.