Small-Scale Aquaponic Food Production: Integrated Fish and Plant Farming
The publication also includes nine appendixes that present other key topics: ideal conditions for common plants grown in aquaponics; chemical and biological controls of common pests and diseases including a compatible planting guide; common fish diseases and related symptoms, causes and remedies; tools to calculate the ammonia produced and biofiltration media required for a certain fish stocking density and amount of fish feed added; production of homemade fish feed; guidelines and considerations for establishing aquaponic units; a cost–benefit analysis of a small-scale, media bed aquaponic unit; a comprehensive guide to building small-scale versions of each of the three aquaponic methods; and a brief summary of this publication designed as a supplemental handout for outreach, extension and education.
Tags: food production, aquaponics, plant farming,gardening, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Living,civil defense
isbn:9789251085332, google:DpRirgEACAAJ