SERIES INFO Genre: Stars: - Series Plot: The Secrets of Hillsong is based on the explosive original reporting on the megachurch's scandals by Vanity Fair journalists Alex French and Dan Adler. Directed by Stacey Lee, The Secrets of Hillsong features the first interviews with former pastors Carl and Laura Lentz since their public ouster from the church, which for years counted musicians, actors, athletes and other celebrities among its flock.
EPISODE INFO Title: The Prodigal Son Airdate: 2023-05-19 Episode plot: In their first interviews since their expulsion from the church, Carl and Laura Lentz guide viewers into the inner sanctum of Hillsong, detailing the burden of building the church's most prized congregation and the response from church leadership when it deemed Carl a liability. While the church's founder, Brian Houston, paints Carl as the lone bad apple, observers are left to wonder: Is Hillsong a house of cards?
pride goes before a fall, a haughty spirit before destruction, first it was the televangelists, swaggert, baker the megachurch. Good riddance.
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