Torrent details for "Dark Souls [ダークソウル] (2019 - OST / Soundtrack / サウンドトラック) [3 CD] (Opus ~1..."    Log in to bookmark

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01-05-2023 08:55

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Performer = Motoi Sakuraba (桜庭 統), Nobuyoshi Suzuki (鈴木 伸嘉), Tsukasa Saitoh (齋藤 司), Yuji Takenouchi (竹ノ内 裕治)

Year = 2019

Genre = Soundtrack/Score/Video Game Music/Modern Classical

Format = Opus ~128

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Dark Souls (Original Game Soundtrack)

Motoi Sakuraba - Battle of Stoicism
Motoi Sakuraba - Bed of Chaos
Motoi Sakuraba - Bell Gargoyle
Motoi Sakuraba - Ceaseless Discharge
Motoi Sakuraba - Centipede Demon
Motoi Sakuraba - Chaos Witch Quelaag
Motoi Sakuraba - Crossbreed Priscilla
Motoi Sakuraba - Dark Souls
Motoi Sakuraba - Dark Sun Gwyndolin
Motoi Sakuraba - Daughters of Chaos
Motoi Sakuraba - Firelink Shrine
Motoi Sakuraba - Four Kings
Motoi Sakuraba - Gaping Dragon
Motoi Sakuraba - Gravelord Nito
Motoi Sakuraba - Great Grey Wolf Sif
Motoi Sakuraba - Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight
Motoi Sakuraba - Gwyn, Lord of Cinder
Motoi Sakuraba - Iron Golem
Motoi Sakuraba - Kalameet
Motoi Sakuraba - Knight Artorias
Motoi Sakuraba - Manus, Father of the Abyss
Motoi Sakuraba - Nameless song
Motoi Sakuraba - Ornstein & Smough
Motoi Sakuraba - Overture
Motoi Sakuraba - Pinwheel
Motoi Sakuraba - Prologue
Motoi Sakuraba - Sanctuary Guardian
Motoi Sakuraba - Seath the Scaleless
Motoi Sakuraba - Taurus Demon
Motoi Sakuraba - The Ancient Dragon
Yuji Takenouchi - A moment's peace

Dark Souls 2 (Original Game Soundtrack)

Motoi Sakuraba - Ancient Dragon
Motoi Sakuraba - Bearer of the Curse
Motoi Sakuraba - Belfry Gargoyle
Motoi Sakuraba - Covetous Demon
Motoi Sakuraba - Darklurker
Motoi Sakuraba - Demon of Song
Motoi Sakuraba - Departure
Motoi Sakuraba - Dragonrider
Motoi Sakuraba - Elana, the Squalid Queen
Motoi Sakuraba - Fire Keepers
Motoi Sakuraba - Flexile Sentry
Motoi Sakuraba - Fume Knight
Motoi Sakuraba - Guardian Dragon
Motoi Sakuraba - King Vendrick
Motoi Sakuraba - Longing
Motoi Sakuraba - Looking Glass Knight
Motoi Sakuraba - Majula
Motoi Sakuraba - Milfanito
Motoi Sakuraba - Mytha, the Baneful Queen
Motoi Sakuraba - Nashandra
Motoi Sakuraba - Nowhere
Motoi Sakuraba - Old Iron King
Motoi Sakuraba - Queen of Drangleic
Motoi Sakuraba - Remains
Motoi Sakuraba - Royal Rat Vanguard
Motoi Sakuraba - Scorpioness Najka
Motoi Sakuraba - Sinh, the Slumbering Dragon
Motoi Sakuraba - Skeleton Lord
Motoi Sakuraba - The Duke's Dear Freja
Motoi Sakuraba - The Last Giant
Motoi Sakuraba - The Lost Sinner
Motoi Sakuraba - The Rotten
Motoi Sakuraba - Throne Defender, Throne Watcher
Yuka Kitamura - Aava, the King's Pet
Yuka Kitamura - Aldia, Scholar of the First Sin
Yuka Kitamura - Burnt Ivory King
Yuka Kitamura - Duel
Yuka Kitamura - Executioner's Chariot
Yuka Kitamura - Old Dragonslayer
Yuka Kitamura - Royal Rat Authority
Yuka Kitamura - Ruin Sentinel
Yuka Kitamura - Sir Alonne
Yuka Kitamura - Sparring
Yuka Kitamura - The Pursuer
Yuka Kitamura - Velstadt, the Royal Aegis
Yuka Kitamura - Worshippers of the Dead
Yuka Kitamura - Zallen and Lud

Dark Souls 3 (Original Game Soundtrack)

Motoi Sakuraba - Aldritch, Devourer of Gods
Motoi Sakuraba - Crystal Sages
Motoi Sakuraba - Curse-Rotted Greatwood
Motoi Sakuraba - High Lord Wolnir
Motoi Sakuraba - Nameless King
Motoi Sakuraba - Old Demon King
Motoi Sakuraba - Vordt of the Boreal Valley
Nobuyoshi Suzuki - Deacons of the Deep
Tsukasa Saitoh - Iudex Gundyr
Yuka Kitamura - Abyss Watchers
Yuka Kitamura - Ancient Wyvern
Yuka Kitamura - Champion's Gravertender
Yuka Kitamura - Dancer of the Boreal Valley
Yuka Kitamura - Darkeater Midir
Yuka Kitamura - Dark Souls 3
Yuka Kitamura - Dragonslayer Armour
Yuka Kitamura - E3 2015 debut trailer
Yuka Kitamura - Epilogue
Yuka Kitamura - Firelink Shrine
Yuka Kitamura - For the Dark Soul
Yuka Kitamura - Halflight, Spear of the Church
Yuka Kitamura - Oceiros, the Consumed King
Yuka Kitamura - Pontiff Sulyvahn
Yuka Kitamura - Premonition
Yuka Kitamura - Prologue
Yuka Kitamura - Secret betrayal
Yuka Kitamura - Sister Friede
Yuka Kitamura - Slave Knight Gael
Yuka Kitamura - Soul of Cinder
Yuka Kitamura - The Demon Prince
Yuka Kitamura - Twin Princes
Yuka Kitamura - Yhorm the Giant

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  User comments    Sort newest first

by Mafketel:_super_admin::_male:
    on 2023-05-01 09:40:57
avatarThanks m8.

Really love them games.
Great to have the soundtracks as well.
-1 |
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  • :) :( :D :P :-) B) 8o :? 8) ;) :-* :-( :| O:-D Party Pirates Yuk Facepalm :-@ :o) Pacman Shit Alien eyes Ass Warn Help Bad Love Joystick Boom Eggplant Floppy TV Ghost Note Msg

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