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In the early 1890's, Richard Dedekind was working on a revised and enlarged edition of Dirichlet'sVorlesungen ¨uber Zahlentheorie, and asked himself the following question: Given three subgroupsA, B, Cof an abelian groupG, how many di erent subgroups can you get by taking intersections and sums, e.g.,A B,(A B)\C, etc. The answer, as we shall see, is 28 (Chapter 7). In looking at this and related questions, Dedekind was led to develop the basic theory of lattices, which he called Dualgruppen. His two papers on the subject, ¨ Uber Zerlegungen von Zahlen durch ihre gro ten gemeinsamen Teiler (1897) and Uber die von drei Moduln erzeugte Dualgruppe(1900), are classics, remarkably modern in spirit, which have inspired many later mathematicians.
"There is nothing new under the sun," and so Dedekind found. Lattices, especially distributive lattices and Boolean algebras, arise naturally in logic, and thus some of the elementary theory of lattices had been worked out earlier by Ernst Schr¨oder in his book Die Algebra der Logik. Nonetheless, it is the connection between modern algebra and lattice theory, which Dedekind recognized, that provided the impetus for the development of lattice theory as a subject, and which remains our primary interest.
Unfortunately, Dedekind was ahead of his time in making this connection, and so nothing much happened in lattice theory for the next thirty years. Then, with the development of universal algebra in the 1930's by Garrett Birkho , Oystein Ore and others, Dedekind's work on lattices was rediscovered. From that time on, lattice theory has been an active and growing subject, in terms of both its application to algebra and its own intrinsic questions.
These notes are intended as the basis for a one-semester introduction to lattice theory. Only a basic knowledge of modern algebra is presumed, and I have made no attempt to be comprehensive on any aspect of lattice theory. Rather, the intention is to provide a textbook covering what we lattice theorists would like to think every mathematician should know about the subject, with some extra topics thrown in for flavor, all done thoroughly enough to provide a basis for a second course for the student who wants to go on in lattice theory or universal algebra. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the contributions of students and colleagues to these notes. I am particularly indebted to Michael Tischendorf, Alex Pogel and the referee for their comments. Mahaloto you all.
Finally, I hope these notes will convey some of the beauty of lattice theory as I learned it from two wonderful teachers, Bjarni J onsson and Bob Dilworth.
Title page.
Ordered Sets.
Exercises (15 Ex).
Semilattices, Lattices and Complete Lattices.
Exercises (14 Ex).
Algebraic Lattices.
Exercises (17 Ex).
Representation by Equivalence Relations.
Exercises (8 Ex).
Congruence Relations.
Exercises (12 Ex).
Free Lattices.
Exercises (11 Ex).
Varieties of Lattices.
Exercises (11 Ex).
Distributive Lattices.
Exercises (12 Ex).
Modular and Semimodular Lattices.
Exercises (14 Ex).
Finite Lattices and their Congruence Lattices.
Exercises (15 Ex).
Geometric Lattices.
Exercises (12 Ex).
Appendix 1: Cardinals, Ordinals and Universal Algebra.
Universal Algebra.
Appendix 2: The Axiom of Choice.
Appendix 3: Formal Concept Analysis