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This resource comprises a collection of papers from participants at the IMCS Workshop on Computational and Geometric Aspects of Modern Algebra, held at Heriot-Watt University in 1998. Written by leading researchers, the articles cover a wide range of topics in the vibrant areas of word problems in algebra and geometric group theory. This book represents a timely record of recent work and provides an indication of the key areas of future development.
Lie Methods in Growth of Groups and Groups of Finite Width
Translation numbers of groups acting on quasiconvex spaces
On a term rewriting system controlled by sequences of integers
On certain finite generalized tetrahedron groups
Efficient computation in word-hyperbolic groups
Constructing hyperbolic manifolds
Computing in groups with exponent six
Rewriting as a special case of non-commutative Grobner basis theory
Detecting 3-manifold presentations
In search of a word with special combinatorial properties
Cancellation diagrams with non-positive curvature
Some Applications of Prefix-Rewriting in Monoids, Groups, and Rings
Verallgemeinerte Biasinvarianten und ihre Berechnung
On groups which act freely and properly on finite dimensional homotopy spheres
On Confinal Dynamics of Rooted Tree Automorphisms
An asymptotic invariant of surface groups
A cutpoint tree for a continuum
Generalised triangle groups of type (2, m, 2)