Genre: IMDB: Stars: - Series Plot: The History Channel presents a brand new original reality series We're the Fugawis, a show which follows the hilarious misadventures of The Fugawis, an Upstate New York motorcycle club comprised of life-long best friends. The 10-episode half-hour series premieres Tuesday, September 3 at 10PM ET/PT with back-to-back episodes. Viewers will go along for the ride as buddies "Mudflap", "Medicine Man", "Wise One", "Tommy Gunz", "Holeshot", "Old Timer" and the rest of the Fugawi motorcycle club live life with a freedom and fraternity that many guys can only dream of. In an age when everyone is seeking to strike the perfect work-life balance, this group of bikers has somehow figured it out. Members of the club include expert builders, plumbers, electricians and general contractors, so when they're not out in the wind on the open road they're tackling construction projects of all shapes and sizes to earn a living.
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