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Take PowerShell beyond simple scripts and build time-saving automations for your team, your users, and the world.
In Practical Automation with PowerShell you will learn how to:
Build PowerShell functions to automate common and complex tasks
Create smart automations that are adaptable to new challenges
Structure your code for sharing and reusability
Store and secure your automations
Execute automations with Azure Automation, Jenkins, Task Scheduler, and Cron
Share your automations with your team and non-technical colleagues
Store and retrieve data, credentials, and variables
Use source control solutions to maintain and test code changes
Provide front-end UI solutions for PowerShell automations
Practical Automation in PowerShell reveals how you can use PowerShell to build automation solutions for a huge number of common admin and DevOps tasks. Author Matthew Dowst uses his decades of experience to lay out a real blueprint for setting up an enterprise scripting environment with PowerShell. The book goes beyond the basics to show you how to handle the unforeseen complexities that can keep automations from becoming reusable and resilient. From the console to the cloud, you'll learn how to manage your code, avoid common pitfalls, and create sharable automations that are adaptable to different use cases.
While most people know PowerShell as a command-line tool, it is truly much more than that. If you look at Microsoft’s description of PowerShell, it says that it is an automation and configuration tool/framework. PowerShell was written to be a plain text language that is easy to pick up and get started with but also a very powerful tool that you can use to automate an untold number of tasks in your environment and daily life. However, I’m not here to sell you on PowerShell. The fact that you are reading this book shows you know what PowerShell is capable of. Instead, this book is designed to help you learn from my over-a-decade’s worth of experiences in creating PowerShell-based automations and apply those lessons to your own automation needs.
PowerShell automation
Get started automating
Scheduling automation scripts
Handling sensitive data
PowerShell remote execution
Making adaptable automations
Working with SQL
Cloud-based automation
Working outside of PowerShell
Automation coding best practices