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Extremophiles: Diversity, Adaptation and Applications brings up-to-date knowledge about different types of extremophiles, the fascinating group of microorganisms that love to live in extreme environmental conditions. The book consists of fourteen chapters, of which, the first provides an overview of all the major types of extremophiles and the relationship with their respective extreme environments. The chapters following this introduction explain the diversity of prokaryotes based on environmental conditions, adaptation mechanisms, and industrial applications. The book concludes with a summary of the diverse biotechnological and industrial applications of extremophiles, emphasizing the importance of these microorganisms for human welfare.The book is intended as a primary textbook reference that enriches the knowledge base of scholars in the field of microbiology and biotechnology. It can also serve as a secondary reference for anyone who is interested in research on extremophiles.
Extremophiles: An Overview
Hyperthermophiles: Diversity, Adaptation and Applications
Acidophilic Microbes: Diversity and Adaptation to Low pH
Alkaliphiles: Diversity, Adaptation and Applications
Halophilic Microorganisms: Diversity, Adaptation and Application
Piezophiles: Quiddity of Extreme Pressure Devotees
Radiation Resistant Microorganisms
Metallophiles and Heavy Metal Bioremediation
Oligotrophs: Microbes at Low Nutrient Levels
Diversity and Mechanisms of Adaptation of Predominant Bacterial Chemolithotrophs in Extreme Habitats
Applications of Extremophiles