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Tap into bi-directional integration and analytics with SAP Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence. With this bestselling guide, get step-by-step instructions for configuring SAP MII, managing external data connections, developing composite applications, and more. Dive into business logic service transactions and use visualization services such as i5 display templates and web reports. Run SAP Overall Equipment Effectiveness Management by mastering activities, dashboards, downtime maintenance, audit log checks, and shop-floor user interfaces. Your nitty-gritty guide to SAP MII is here!
Configure SAP Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence with step-by-step instructions
Perform business logic service transactions, use visualization services, and set up the plant information catalog
Master overall equipment effectiveness and improve manufacturing KPIs
Follow click-by-click instructions for installing and configuring SAP MII. Connect your system to external data sources through SAP Plant Connectivity and data servers. Use the SAP MII workbench development environment to organize your projects.
Business Logic Service Transactions
Learn how to use custom programs called business logic service (BLS) transactions to execute a specific task. Explore each action block, and then use logic and tracing functions, XML, charts, statistical quality control analysis, and more.
Overall Equipment Effectiveness
Dig into OEE! Configure activities, dashboards, order status description, the audit log, and the application launchpad. Discover analytics functionality for real-time, plant-level, and global reporting.
Data connections and management
Message servers
Composite applications
Manufacturing data objects
Business logic service transactions
Visualization services
Plant information catalog (PIC)
SAP Plant Connectivity
SAP Overall Equipment Effectiveness