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This book contains a selection of papers presented at the conference on High Performance Software for Nonlinear Optimization (HPSN097) which was held in Ischia, Italy, in June 1997.
The rapid progress of computer technologies, including new parallel architectures, has stimulated a large amount of research devoted to building software environments and defining algorithms able to fully exploit this new computational power. In some sense, numerical analysis has to conform itself to the new tools. The impact of parallel computing in nonlinear optimization, which had a slow start at the beginning, seems now to increase at a fast rate, and it is reasonable to expect an even greater acceleration in the future.
As with the first HPSNO conference, the goal of the HPSN097 conference was to supply a broad overview of the more recent developments and trends in nonlinear optimization, emphasizing the algorithmic and high performance software aspects.
Bringing together new computational methodologies with theoretical advances and new computer technologies is an exciting challenge that involves all scientists willing to develop high performance numerical software.
This book contains several important contributions from different and complementary standpoints. Obviously, the articles in the book do not cover all the areas of the conference topic or all the most recent developments, because of the large number of new theoretical and computational ideas of the last few years.
Nevertheless, the book contains a number of advances in theoretical approaches and in algorithms together with some interesting and significant scientific applications. The material provides a notable overview of the field of numerical optimization. We believe that the book is representative of how topics of different nature interact and strongly influence each other, and finally join in the production of effective high performance software.
Some Perspectives on High-Performance Mathematical Software
A Monotonous Method for Unconstrained Lipschitz Optimization
Numerical Performance of an Inexact Interior Point Method
Replicator Dynamics for Evolution Towards the Maximum Clique: Variations and Experiments
A Newton-like Approach to Solving an Equilibrium Problem
Parallelization Strategies for the Ant System
The Cobweb Method for Minimizing Convex Functions
A New Forward Backward Auction Algorithm
Modifying the Cholesky Factorization on MIMD Distributed Memory Machines
A Controlled Random Search Algorithm with Local Newton-type Search for Global Optimization
Adaptive Precision Control in Quadratic Programming with Simple Bounds and/or Equalities
The Development of Parallel Optimisation Routines for the NAG Parallel Library
Parallel Solution of Large Scale Quadratic Programs
A Linesearch Algorithm with Memory for Unconstrained Optimization
The Modified Absolute-Value Factorization Norm for Trust-Region Minimization
The LP Dual Active Set Algorithm
The Use of Optimization Techniques for the Numerical Solution of First Kind Fredholm Equations
An Exact Parallel Algorithm for the Maximum Clique Problem
A Model Development System for Global Optimization
Support Vector Machines: A Large Scale QP
Orbit Determination of Binary Stars Using Simulated Annealing
New Derivative Formulas for Integral and Probability Functions: Parallel Computations
The Interior-Point Revolution in Constrained Optimization