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There has been much recent progress in approximation algorithms for nonconvex continuous and discrete problems from both a theoretical and a practical perspective. In discrete (or combinatorial) optimization many approaches have been developed recently that link the discrete universe to the continuous universe through geometric, analytic, and algebraic techniques. Such techniques include global optimization formulations, semidefinite programming, and spectral theory. As a result new approximate algorithms have been discovered and many new computational approaches have been developed. Similarly, for many continuous nonconvex optimization problems, new approximate algorithms have been developed based on semidefinite programming and new randomization techniques. On the other hand, computational complexity, originating from the interactions between computer science and numerical optimization, is one of the major theories that have revolutionized the approach to solving optimization problems and to analyzing their intrinsic difficulty. The main focus of complexity is the study of whether existing algorithms are efficient for the solution of problems, and which problems are likely to be tractable. The quest for developing efficient algorithms leads also to elegant general approaches for solving optimization problems, and reveals surprising connections among problems and their solutions.
A conference on Approximation and Complexity in Numerical Optimization: Continuous and Discrete Problems was held during February 28 to March 2, 1999 at the Center for Applied Optimization of the University of Florida. The conference was endorsed by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Activity Group in Optimization and the International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (IMACS), and was funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation (DMS-9817945) and the School of Engineering at the University of Florida. The conference provided a forum for researchers working on different aspects of approximation and complexity in optimization to present their recent discoveries, and to interact with people working on complementary aspects of mathematical programming. This volume contains a selective collection of refereed papers based on talks presented at this conference. The two themes of approximation and complexity pervade this book.
Navigating Graph Surfaces
The Steiner Ratio of Lp-planes
Hamiltonian Cycle Problem via Markov Chains and Min-type Approaches
Solving Large Scale Uncapacitated Facility Location Problems
A Branch - and - Bound Procedure for the Largest Clique in a Graph
A New "Annealed" Heuristic for the Maximum Clique Problem
Inapproximability of some Geometric and Quadratic Optimization Problems
Convergence Rate of the P-Algorithm for Optimization of Continious Functions
Application of Semidefinite Programming to Circuit Partitioning
Combinatorial Problems Arising in Deregulated Electrical Power Industry: Survey and Future Directions
On Approximating a Scheduling Problem
Models and Solution for On-Demand Data Delivery Problems
Complexity and Experimental Evaluation of Primal-Dual Shortest Path Tree Algorithms
Machine Partitioning and Scheduling under Fault-Tolerance Constraints
Finding Optimal Boolean Classifiers
Tighter Bounds on the Performance of First Fit Bin Packing
Block Exchange in Graph Partitioning
On the Efficient Approximability of "HARD" Problems: A Survey
Exceptional Family of Elements, Feasibility, Solvability and Continuous Paths of ε-Solutions for Nonlinear Complementarity Problems
Linear Time Approximation Schemes for Shop Scheduling Problems
On Complexity and Optimization in Emergent Computation
Beyond Interval Systems: What Is Feasible and What Is Algorithmically Solvable?
A Lagrangian Relaxation of the Capacitated Multi-Item Lot Sizing Problem Solved with an Interior Point Cutting Plane Algorithm
An Approximate Algorithm For a Weapon Target Assignment Stochastic Program
Continuous-based Heuristics for Graph and Tree Isomorphisms, with Application to Computer Vision
Geometric Optimization Problems for Steiner MiniInal Trees in E3
Optimization of a Simplified Fleet Assignment Problem with Metaheuristics: Simulated Annealing and GRASP
Towards Implementations of Successive Convex Relaxation Methods for Nonconvex Quadratic Optimization Problems
Piecewise Concavity and Discrete Approaches to Continuous Minimax Problems
The MCCNF Problem with a Fixed Number of Nonlinear Arc Costs: Complexity and Approximation
A New Parameterization Algorithm for the Linear Complementarity Problem
Obtaining an Approximate Solution for Quadratic Maximization Problems