'Iceland's master of crime' Iceland is a very small country with a very small population so not like there is much competition |
Being master of something has got nothing to do with the size of a country or the number of inhabitants. |
Does everyone on here speak Icelandic? cuz the audio is not in English and no choice to switch to English |
Já, auðvitað, við tölum öll íslensku, brói (Yes, of course, we all speak Icelandic, bro ) |
Well actually if you are the "Master" of something in a group of 10 it doesn't equate once you expand that group to 1 million where the competition is a bit more intense. Thanks for the upload and the effort. |
Being master means you have mastered something. Mastering something has got nothing to do with the number of people who haven't mastered that in a predefined group. You may be the best in that group, but that doesn't mean you mastered anything. |