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In recent years Digital Electronics & Microprocessor is being used extensively in computers, microprocessor and very large scale integration (VLSI) design and digital signal processing research and many other things. This rapid progress in Electronics Engineering has created an increasing demand for trained Digital System Designs personnel. This book is intended for the undergraduate and postgraduate students specializing in Electronics Engineering, Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology. It will also serve as reference material for engineers employed in industry. The fundamental concepts and principles behind Digital Electronics & Microprocessor are explained in a simple, easy- to- understand manner. Each chapter contains a large number of solved example or problem which will help the students in problem solving and designing of Electronics system.
Number Systems and Boolean Algebra
Combinational Circuits
Sequential Circuits
Digital Logic Families
Memory Programmable Logic
Asynchronous Sequential Logic
Digital System Design Using Hardware
Digital System Design
Design of Fast Adder
Design of fast Multiplier
Basics of Microprocessor
Programing of Microprocessor
Microcontroller and Its Applications