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While research teams are producing relevant and valid knowledge for health promotion, there is not yet a structured manual and distinct field of health promotion research. This timely "state-of-the-art" handbook contributes to structuring the field of health promotion research. This collection presents introductory-level methodological solutions to the major epistemological, methodological, and ethical challenges facing health promotion research. It brings together experts from different "research traditions" that coexist in the field. The handbook covers the existing knowledge production and sharing practices to delineate the "discipline" and its agenda for future research. Ultimately, it contributes to creating a global community of health promotion researchers. Global Handbook of Health Promotion Research, Vol. 3: Doing Health Promotion Research is a highly relevant reference tool for researchers and graduate students in health promotion, public health, education, and socio-health sciences practitioners in health, medical, and social sectors policy-makers and health research administrators.
A Global Participatory Process to Structuring the Field of Health Promotion Research: An Introduction
Doing Health Promotion Research: Approaches, Paradigms, Designs and Methods to Produce Knowledge
Approaches to Knowledge Production in Health Promotion Research
Health Promotion Political Research as Policy Practice
Underlying Principles of Different Schools of Economic Thought: Consequences for Health Promotion Research
Critical Realism for Health Promotion Evaluation
Empowerment in Health Promotion of Marginalised Groups: The Use of Paulo Freire’s Theoretical Approach and Community-Based Participatory Research for Health Equity
Health Promotion in Primary Care: Michel Foucault’s Genealogy to Analyse Changes in Practices
Health Promotion as a Complex Assemblage: Science and Technology Studies as Method
The Contribution of Feminist Approaches to Health Promotion Research: Supporting Social Change and Health Improvement for Vulnerable Women in England
Methodological Responses to Enabling Interactions Among All Relevant Knowledge
10 Etuaptmumk/Two-Eyed Seeing: A Guiding Principle to Respectfully Embrace Indigenous and Western Systems of Knowledge
Capturing the Lived Experience of Place in Health Promotion Research: In Situ Methodologies
Using Salutogenesis to Understand People–Environment Interactions that Shape Health in a Context of Poverty
Methodological Responses to Unpacking the Complex Context/Practice Interactions
Interventions Tested in Randomised Controlled Trials Can and Should Adapt to Context: Here’s How
The Ongoing Contribution of Health Impact Assessment to Health Promotion Research
A Theory-Driven Approach to Unpack the Black Box of Complex Interventions: Assessing Interventional Systems
Using a Realist Approach in Qualitative Research to Analyse Connections Among Context, Intervention and Outcome
Using Mixed Methods to Evaluate Complex Interventions: From Research Questions to Knowledge Transferability
Methodological Responses to Regulating Stakeholders’ Collaborations
Participatory Action Research as a Core Research Approach to Health Promotion
Participatory Research Processes: Working with Children for Children
Promoting Health Equity with Community-Based Participatory Research: The Community Action to Promote Healthy Environments (CAPHE) Partnership
Health Promotion Research in International Settings: A Shared Ownership Approach for North-South Partnerships
Methodological Responses to Bridging the Knowledge/Practice Gap
Citizen Science for Health Promotion Research: Emerging Best Practices, Challenges, and Opportunities for Advancing Health Equity
Principled Health Promotion Research: A Comprehensive and Action-Oriented Approach
Health Promotion Research in the School Setting
Health Promotion Intervention Research in Complex Adaptive Systems: The Contextual Action-Oriented Research Approach (CARA)
Conclusion: Addressing the Challenges of Doing Health Promotion Research