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Optimization may be regarded as the cornerstone of many areas of applied mathematics, computer science, engineering, and a number of other scientific disciplines. Among other things, optimization plays a key role in finding feasible solutions to real-life problems, frommathematical programming to operations research, economics, management science, business, medicine, life science, and artificial intelligence, to mention only several.
Optimization entails engaging in an action to find the best solution. As a flourishing research activity, it has led to theoretical and computational advances, new technologies and new methods in developing more optimal designs of different systems, efficiency, and robustness, in minimizing the costs of operations in a process, and maximizing the profits of a company.
The first edition of the encyclopedia of optimization was well received by the scientific community and has been an invaluable source of scientific information for researchers, practitioners, and students.
Given the enormous yearly increases in this field since the appearance of the first edition, additional optimization knowledge has been added to this second edition. As before, entries are arranged in alphabetical order the style of the entries has been retained to emphasize the expository and survey-type nature of the articles. Also many older entries have been updated and revised in light of new developments. Finally, several improvements have been made in the format to allow for more links to appropriate internet cites and electronic availability