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The idea for this book arose out of an introductory mathematics course, “Mathematics in the Real World”, that the authors co-designed and have
taught at Yale and Stanford. The purpose of the course is to familiarize students whose primary interests lie outside of the sciences with the power
and beauty of mathematics. In particular, we hope to show how simple mathematical ideas can be applied to answer real-world questions.
Thus we see this as a college-level course book that can be used to teach basic mathematics to students with varying skill levels. We discuss specific
and relevant real-life examples: population growth models, logarithmic scales, personal finance, motion with constant speed or constant acceleration, computer security, elements of probability, and statistics. Our goal is to combine the right level of difficulty, pace of exposition, and scope of applications for a curious liberal arts college student to study and enjoy.
Additionally, the book could find use by high school students and by anyone wishing to study independently. The prerequisite is only a high school course in algebra. We hope our book can help readers without extensive mathematical training to analyze datasets and real-world phenomena, and to distinguish statements that are mathematically reasonable from those only pretending to be