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This study guide is designed to help you understand GCP in depth so that you can meet the needs of those operating resources in Google Cloud. Yes, this book will, of course, help you pass the Associate Cloud Engineer certification exam, but this is not an exam cram guide. You will learn more than is required to pass the exam you will understand how to meet the day-to-day challenges faced by cloud engineers, including choosing services, managing users, deploying and monitoring infrastructure, and helping map business requirements into cloud-based solutions.
Overview of Google Cloud Platform
Google Cloud Computing Services
Projects, Service Accounts, and Billing
Introduction to Computing in Google Cloud
Computing with Compute Engine Virtual Machines
Managing Virtual Machines
Computing with Kubernetes
Managing Kubernetes Clusters
Computing with App Engine
Computing with Cloud Functions
Planning Storage in the Cloud
Deploying Storage in Google Cloud Platform
Loading Data into Storage
Networking in the Cloud: Virtual Private Clouds and
Virtual Private Networks
Networking in the Cloud: Dns, load Balancing,
and Ip addressing
Deploying Applications with Cloud Launcher and
Deployment Manager
Configuring Access and Security
Monitoring, Logging, and Cost Estimating