Simply-Built Furniture,Classic American Furniture,Tables,Latin Style Decorating Your Home,The Foundations of Better Woodworking - Mantesh
1. Classic American Furniture (Popular Woodworking) - 2014
2. Simply-Built Furniture (Popular Woodworking) - Danny Proulx - 2010
3. Latin Style: Decorating Your Home with Color, Texture, and Passion - Juan Carlos Arcila-Duque - 2008
4. The Art Of Woodworking. Classic American Furniture
5. Building Classic Arts & Crafts Furniture: Shop Drawings for 30 Traditional Charles Limbert Projects - 2013 - Michael Crow
6. The Table Book: 35 Classic to Contemporary Projects (Popular Woodworking)- 2010 - Editors of Popular Woodworking
7. The Foundations of Better Woodworking: How to use your body, tools and materials to do your best work – Nov 2012 - Jeff Miller
8. The Workbench Design Book: The Art & Philosophy of Building Better Benches - 2011 - Christopher Schwarz