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This new volume offers a variety of perspectives from investigators, industry professionals, stakeholders, and economic strategists that look at new ways of solving optimization problems related to different industrial sectors. Case studies relay how optimization methods deal with both real operative conditions in process industries and in service industries. The volume also explores emerging research areas toward the implementation of optimization algorithms for enhancement of system performance as well as system effectiveness.
The book explores the role of optimization methods in engineering applications in industrial and mechanical engineering as well as in the fields of healthcare/medicine, food production, oil, textiles, energy, and agriculture. The volume offers new ways of solving optimization problems related to different industrial sectors, incorporating mathematical formulation for particular design problems and thus aiding the selection of the optimal design among many alternatives. It shows optimization methods that deal with actual operative conditions both in process and in service industries.
A unique advantage of this volume is its wide range of topics in different engineering domains using novel mathematical modeling-based optimization methods for solving the real-life problems. The array of examples and case studies of the effective use of optimization in diverse areas of engineering include healthcare analysis and monitoring (fetal phonocardiography), medical device design (3D printing design for protheses), agriculture/farming (monitoring climate conditions), environmental science (waste management), automotive and aeronautic design, industrial manufacturing, solar energy, and more.
Key features
Presents case studies on optimization problems related to industry
Discusses case studies on operations management practices optimization
Provides an overview of design optimization
Highlights case studies on process optimization
Assesses different techniques for handling engineering problems
This valuable book will be useful for researchers, scientists, faculty, and students involved or interested in the field of optimization engineering in industrial design.
1. Adaptive Autoregressive Modeling Based ECG Signal Analysis for Health Monitoring
2. Development of PLC-Based Controller for Door Slam Platform
3. Ergonomic Risks Assessment of Farmers in Adverse Climatic Conditions
4. Organized Health Care Waste Collection and Route Optimization: A Case Study
5. Life Cycle Assessment Research: A Review by Bibliometric Analysis
6. Process Automation Tool for Design and Cost Optimization Using CAD Tool in Combination with VBA
7. Optimizing and Fabrication of 3D Printed Prosthetic Finger
8. Comparative Study of Truth Inferences Algorithms in Crowdsourcing
9. Design of the Ventilation System of Car Parks Using CFD Simulations
10. Comparative Study of Single-, Double-, and Four-Inlet Conditions in a Rocket Nozzle Implying CFD
11. Experimental Analysis of Improved Vortex Tube
12. Performance Comparison of Denoising Methods for Fetal Phonocardiography Using FIR Filter and Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD)
13. Systematic Survey, Performance Evaluation, and Truth Flow Analysis of Two Subsonic Wind Tunnels with Two-Hole Spherical Flow Analyzer
14. Thermal Analysis of Ball-End Magnetorheological Finishing Tool
15. A Review on Development and Technology of Various Types of Solar PV Cell
16. Crop Prediction Techniques with K-Means Algorithms
17. Investigation of Tribological Performance of Electroless Ni-B-W Coatings at High Temperature and Its Optimization
18. Experimental Study of Nanosecond Pulsed Fiber Laser Micro-Drilling on Quartz