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These notes were written expressly for Mathematics 112 at Reed College, with first use in the spring of 2013. The title of the course is “Introduction to Analysis”. The prerequisite is calculus. I maintain two versions of these notes, one in which the natural, rational and real numbers are constructed and the Least upper bound theorem is proved for the ordered field of real numbers, and one version in which the Least upper bound property is assumed for the ordered field of real numbers. You are reading the longer, former version.
The briefest overview, motivation, notation
How we will do mathematics
Statements and proof methods
Statements with quantifiers
More proof methods
Logical negation
Proofs by (mathematical) induction
Pascal's triangle
Concepts with which we will do mathematics
Cartesian product
Relations, equivalence relations
Binary operations
Order on sets, ordered fields
What are the integers and the rational numbers?
Increasing and decreasing functions
Absolute values
Construction of the number systems
Inductive sets, a construction of natural numbers
Arithmetic on ℕ₀
Order on ℕ₀
Cancellation in ℕ₀
Construction of ℤ, arithmetic, and order on ℤ
Construction of the ordered field ℚ
Construction of the field ℝ of real numbers
Order on ℝ, the Least upper bound theorem
Complex numbers
Functions related to complex numbers
Absolute value in ℂ
Polar coordinates
Topology on the fields of real and complex numbers
The Heine–Borel theorem
Limits of functions
Limit of a function
When a number is not a limit
More on the definition of a limit
Limit theorems
Infinite limits (for real-valued functions)
Limits at infinity
Continuous functions
Topology and the Extreme value theorem
Intermediate value theorem
Radical functions
Uniform continuity
Definition of derivatives
Basic properties of derivatives
The Mean value theorem
L'Hôpital's rule
Higher-order derivatives, Taylor polynomials
Approximating areas
Computing integrals from upper and lower sums
What functions are integrable?
The Fundamental theorem of calculus
Integration of complex-valued functions
Natural logarithm and the exponential functions
Applications of integration
Introduction to sequences
Convergence of infinite sequences
Divergence of infnite sequences and infinite limits
Convergence theorems via epsilon-N proofs
Convergence theorems via functions
Bounded sequences, monotone sequences, ratio test
Cauchy sequences, completeness of ℝ, ℂ
Liminf, limsup for real-valued sequences
Infinite series and power series
Infinite series
Convergence and divergence theorems for series
Power series
Differentiation of power series
Numerical evaluations of some series
Some technical aspects of power series
Taylor series
Exponential and trigonometric functions
The exponential function
The exponential function, continued
Examples of L'Hôpital's rule
Trigonometry for the computation of some series
Appendix A: Advice on writing mathematics
Appendix B: What one should never forget