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For over a quarter of a century, high-gain observers have been used extensively in the design of output feedback control of nonlinear systems. This book presents a clear, unified treatment of the theory of high-gain observers and their use in feedback control. Also provided is a discussion of the separation principle for nonlinear systems this differs from other separation results in the literature in that recovery of stability as well as performance of state feedback controllers is given.
The author provides a detailed discussion of applications of high-gain observers to adaptive control and regulation problems and recent results on the extended high-gain observers. In addition, the author addresses two challenges that face the implementation of high-gain observers: high dimension and measurement noise. Low-power observers are presented for high-dimensional systems. The effect of measurement noise is characterized and techniques to reduce that effect are presented. The book ends with discussion of digital implementation of the observers.
Readers will find comprehensive coverage of the main results on high-gain observers rigorous, self-contained proofs of all results and numerous examples that illustrate and provide motivation for the results