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In the present volume we again extend the list of survey articles in the sense that they are of theoretical interest and equally relevant to applications. The chapter “On the History of Differential-Algebraic Equations: A Retrospective with Personal Side Trips” gives an overview of the timeline and achievements on theory and practice of differential-algebraic equations in the past few decades. In “DAE Aspects of Multibody System Dynamics”, the contributions of DAE theory and numerical analysis for modelling and simulation of systems in mechanical multibody dynamics are highlighted. In “Model Reduction for DAEs: A Survey”, the state of the art in approximation of large-scale DAEs by low-dimensional ones is presented. The chapter “Observability of Linear Differential-Algebraic Systems: A Survey” treats observability for linear time-invariant DAEs. The fifth chapter is a survey of numerical methods for DAEs.
We hope that this issue will contribute to complete the picture of the latest developments in DAEs. The collection of survey articles may also indicate that differential-algebraic equations are now an established field in applied mathematics.
On the History of Differential-Algebraic Equations
DAE Aspects of Multibody System Dynamics
Model Order Reduction for Differential-Algebraic Equations: A Survey
Observability of Linear Differential-Algebraic Systems: A Survey
A Survey on Numerical Methods for the Simulation of Initial Value Problems with sDAEs