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The material for this book (starting with the first edition) was developed at McMaster University over a 10-year period for an undergraduate course focused on problem solving strategies that use chemical process flowsheeting software. The primary objective of the course is to teach students how to solve problems relating to chemical processes and conceptual process design. The text in this book is intended for students and practitioners to teach themselves how to use the software in a series of twelve 2-hour guided tutorials in our undergraduate computing labs. Plus, for this second edition of the book, we added several bonus tutorials, based on reader feedback and suggestions.
This is not a user guide to Aspen Plus! If you are looking for specific details on a specific model or feature, you should consult the user guide or
help files included with the program. Instead, this book will help you teach yourself how to solve problems using the software. It will provide readers
with the ability to select and use the appropriate tools for solving many kinds of chemical engineering problems related to chemical processes,
separations, reactions, mass transfer, heat transfer, and thermodynamics. It is geared toward the undergraduate level and informed by a large amount of undergraduate student feedback, but graduate students and professionals will also find this book very helpful in getting up and running quickly.
This book uses Aspen Plus V12, the latest version available at the time of writing. If you are using older or newer versions, the book will still be
very useful, since most features and problem solving principles remain essentially unchanged from version to version. Over time, new editions will
be released with pertinent updates as they come