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Upgrade your content management system! Build real-world websites, blogs, and e-commerce web apps with the Python-based Wagtail CMS.
In Wagtail CMS in Action you’ll learn essential Wagtail skills like how to:
Create and launch amazing websites
Leverage Python and Django inside Wagtail
Create custom page types and reusable data Snippets
Securely register users
Integrate Stripe as a payment processor
Apply simple caching to create a lightning-fast website
Customize your Wagtail dashboard
Wagtail CMS in Action teaches you how to create powerful, simple web applications using the Wagtail content management system. It’s written by a real Wagtail expert. Author Kalob Taulien is a core member of the Wagtail development team and an acclaimed Wagtail tutor who has taught over 500,000 developers through his online courses. You’ll get started quickly as you learn how to customize your Wagtail projects with Python and Django and build a fully-functioning e-commerce store.
about the technology
Wagtail CMS is a fast, elegant content management system based on Python and Django used by Google, NASA, and MIT. Wagtail works seamlessly with everything in a Python tech stack, from Django to machine learning. Plus, it offers amazing flexibility for designers with a simple templating system that gives total frontend freedom. Wagtail cleanly separates tasks and job roles, so editors can stay focused on writing content, and developers can focus on their code.
about the book
Wagtail CMS in Action is a fun, friendly guide to building websites with Wagtail. In it, you’ll learn the basics of Wagtail by creating your own simple blogging site and then quickly graduate to building a fully-functional e-commerce store! You’ll also discover important Wagtail insights such as how web requests work between Wagtail, Django, and Python and the clear responsibilities of Wagtail vs Django. Detailed explanations, images, and screenshots make it a breeze to start learning—even if you aren’t an experienced programmer