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Textbook in PDF format
The C|EH v12 training program includes 20 modules covering various technologies, tactics,
and procedures, providing prospective ethical hackers with the core knowledge needed to
thrive in cybersecurity. Delivered through a carefully curated training plan that typically
spans five days, the 12th version of the C|EH continues to evolve to keep up with the
latest OS, exploits, tools, and techniques. The concepts covered in the training program
are split 50/50 between knowledge-based training and hands-on application through our
cyber range.Every tactic discussed in training is backed by step-by-step labs conducted in a
virtualized environment with live targets, live tools, and vulnerable systems. Through our lab
technology, every participant will have comprehensive hands-on practice to learn and apply
their knowledge.”
Module 06. System Hacking
Learn about the various system hacking methodologies—including steganography,
steganalysis attacks, and covering tracks—used to discover
system and network vulnerabilities.
Module 07. Malware Threats
Learn different types of malware (Trojan, virus, worms, etc.), APT
and fileless malware, malware analysis procedure, and malware