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Mathematics is an exciting, living study. Its applications shape the world around you and influence your everyday life. We hope that as you read this book you will realize just how important mathematics is and gain an appreciation of both its usefulness and its beauty. We also hope to teach you some practical mathematics that you can use every day and that will prepare you for further mathematics courses.
The primary purpose of this text is to provide material that you can read, understand, and enjoy. To this end, we have used straightforward language and tried to relate the mathematical concepts to everyday experiences. We have also provided many detailed examples for you to follow.
The concepts, definitions, and formulas that deserve special attention are in boxes or are set in boldface, italics, or color type. In the exercise sets, within each category, the exercises are graded, with more difficult problems appearing at the end. At the end of most exercise sets are Challenge Problems/Group Activities that contain challenging or exploratory exercises.
Be sure to read the chapter summary, work the review exercises, and take the chapter test at the end of each chapter. The answers to the odd-numbered exercises, all review exercises, and all chapter test exercises appear in the answer section in the back of the text. You should, however, use the answers only to check your work. The answers to all Recreational Mathematics exercises are provided either in the Recreational
Mathematics boxes themselves or in the back of the book