Title: Blue Lock (2022)
Genre: Animation, Action, Mystery, Sport, Thriller
Runtime: n/A - Rating: n/A
Director: n/A
Cast: Sôma Saitô, Yuki Ono, Kazuki Ura
Plot: Japan keeps loosing the World Cup, over and over. After Isagi Yoichi, a forward for a high school team, gets eliminated in the last game in the qualifier for nationals, gets invited to a program called "Blue Lock" Their coach will be Ego Jinpachi, who intends to "destroy Japanese loser football" by introducing a radical new training regimen: isolate 300 young forwards in a prison-like institution called "Blue Lock" and put them through rigorous training aimed at creating "the world's greatest egotist striker."
Video info:
Codec: ffh264
Resolution:1920 x 1080
Framerate:23.976 fps
Bitrate:2373 Kbps
Audio info:ffaac, 127 kbps, 44100 Hz