Uploaded by TGxMovies | Size 5.97 GB | Health [22/12] | Added 18/10/22 05:15 |
Uploaded by GalaxyRG | Size 796.68 MB | Health [16/12] | Added 18/10/22 05:56 |
Great to see a 1.4GB 1080 of this movie Thank you [user=GalaxyRG] My husband and I could see so much of ourselves in this one. Even his mom and dad thought it was funny. Great movie, and the small file size makes the download really user-friendly. Ignore the haters, if you like to a good romantic comedy, and you're not a homophobe (yeah, I know you're not scared of anything big boy, but it doesn't "just" mean scared ), this one's a keeper! |
The best review of this box office disaster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oy8ZUcRkaGI |
I watched the review you posted. It wasn't really much of a review, just hatchet job full of anti-LGBTQ hate. If that's what you call a review, I'd rather watch this and make up my own mind. Thanks to the uploaders for their efforts! |
It was a brilliant, incisive review, explaining context and detailing all that was wrong with the movie. Nothing stops you from watching the movie, but the critic accurately explained why it lost a lot of money. Welcome to DIVERSITY of opinions, and people who call a spade a spade. |