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What is an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled drone and what can it do? Are AI-enabled drones better than human-controlled drones? This book will answer these questions and more, and empower you to develop your own AI-enabled drone.
You'll progress from a list of specifications and requirements, in small and iterative steps, which will then lead to the development of Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams based in part to the standards established by for the Robotic Operating System (ROS). The ROS architecture has been used to develop land-based drones. This will serve as a reference model for the software architecture of unmanned systems.
Using this approach you'l be able to develop a fully autonomous drone that incorporates object-oriented design and cognitive deep learning systems that adapts to multiple simulation environments. These multiple simulation environments will also allow you to further build public trust in the safety of artificial intelligence within drones and small UAS. Ultimately, you'll be able to build a complex system using the standards developed, and create other intelligent systems of similar complexity and capability.
Intelligent Autonomous Drones with Cognitive Deep Learning uniquely addresses both deep learning and cognitive deep learning for developing near autonomous drones.
You will:
Examine the necessary specifications and requirements for AI enabled drones for near-real time and near fully autonomous drones
Look at software and hardware requirements
Understand unified modeling language (UML) and real-time UML for design
Study deep learning neural networks for pattern recognition
Review geo-spatial Information for the development of detailed mission planning within these hostile environments