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Textbook in PDF format
Engineering Graphics Essentials with AutoCAD 2022 Instruction gives students a basic understanding of how to create and read engineering drawings by presenting principles in a logical and easy to understand manner. It covers the main topics of engineering graphics, including tolerancing and fasteners, while also teaching students the fundamentals of AutoCAD 2022. This book features independent learning material containing supplemental content to further reinforce these principles. Through its many different exercises this text is designed to encourage students to interact with the instructor during lectures, and it will give students a superior understanding of engineering graphics and AutoCAD.
The independent learning material allows students to go through the topics of the book independently. The main content of the material contains pages that summarize the topics covered in the book. Each page has voice over content that simulates a lecture environment. There are also interactive examples that allow students to go through the instructor led and in-class student exercises found in the book on their own. Video examples are also included to supplement the learning process.
Multimedia Content
Summary pages with audio lectures (includes closed captioning).
Interactive exercises and puzzles.
Videos demonstrating how to solve selected problems (includes closed captioning).
AutoCAD video tutorials (includes closed captioning).
Supplemental problems and solutions.
Tutorial starter files