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This book is based on material from a course modules for students in management science, mathematics, computer science, industrial engineering, and economics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the University of Augsburg, and the University of the Bundeswehr Munich. The book provides a sound introduction to working with IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio and, in particular, to using the OPL modeling language for modeling linear and integer linear optimization problems. It is intended for practitioners involved in the modeling and optimization of planning and decision-making problems, as well as instructors and students at universities and colleges to use in lectures and courses. No prior knowledge of the mathematical foundations of optimization is assumed, although this book can be used to teach a comprehensive course that would supplement an introductory course to operations research.
IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio—A primer
Setting up a model
Data structures and related OPL language elements
Introduction to IBM ILOG Script
Modeling with tuples
Separating model and data
Selected features of OPL and CPLEX Optimization Studio
Selected features of IBM ILOG Script
Flow control with ILOG Script
Covering location planning
Fleet sizing
Location planning
Transportation planning
Revenue Management
Lot sizing