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Mixed-Signal design is a critical part for many IC designs. The advantages brought by System-on-Chip will only be fully successful if techniques are developed that allow coexistence of high-perfomance analog functions sharing a common substrate with large blocks of digital functions. Interfaces between the analog and the digital world, materialized in data converters will always be present in any mixed-signal design, and he verification of those embedded analog functions, may be in many cases the factor limiting the production-test throughput. New technologies, like Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI), offer interesting possibilities for the design of mixed-signal ICs, but require the mastering of new design techniques. The work of projects in the Cluster has been focused on four main areas (Substrate Noise Coupling, Advanced Data Converters, Testability and Special Technologies).
This book addresses the specific problem of Substrate Noise Coupling in Mixed-Signal circuits and incorporates the results achieved by the Cluster projects with activity in that area complemented by contributions from external experts that have occasionally participated in activities organized by the Cluster