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Textbook in PDF format
Take advantage of your C# skills to build UI components and client-side experiences with .NET. With this practical guide, you'll learn how to use Blazor WebAssembly to develop next-generation web experiences. Built on top of ASP.NET Core, Blazor represents the future of .NET single-page applications (SPA) investments.
Author David Pine, who focuses on .NET and Azure content development at Microsoft, explains how WebAssembly enables many non-JavaScript-based programming languages to run on the client browser. In this book, you'll learn about real-time web functionality with ASP.NET Core SignalR. You'll learn strategies for bidirectional JavaScript interop. David covers component data binding, hierarchical event-driven communications, in-memory state management, and local storage.
This book shows you how to:
Create a feature-rich Blazor app that looks beautiful
Localize an enterprise-scale app as the sole developer using GitHub Actions and Azure Cognitive Services Translator service
Create advanced validation scenarios for input-based components with forms
Automatically deploy and host to Azure Static Web Apps, and rely on HTTP services
Utilize geolocation service native to the browser, as well as native speech synthesis and recognition
Author a custom modal verification mechanism for validating a user
Determine the best approach for building reliable, architecturally sound websites