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Textbook in PDF format
Deep Networks.
Deep Network Designer.
Deep Learning with Images.
Deep Learning with Time Series, Sequences, and Text.
Deep Learning Tuning and Visualization.
Manage Deep Learning Experiments.
Deep Learning in Parallel and the Cloud.
Computer Vision Examples.
Image Processing Examples.
Automated Driving Examples.
Lidar Examples.
Signal Processing Examples.
Wireless Comm Examples.
Audio Examples.
Reinforcement Learning Examples.
Predictive Maintenance Examples.
Computational Finance Examples.
Import, Export, and Customization.
Deep Learning Data Preprocessing.
Deep Learning Code Generation.
Neural Network Objects, Data, and Training Styles.
Multilayer Shallow Neural Networks and Backpropagation Training.
Dynamic Neural Networks.
Control Systems.
Radial Basis Neural Networks.
Self-Organizing and Learning Vector Quantization Networks.
Adaptive Filters and Adaptive Training.
Advanced Topics.
Historical Neural Networks.
Neural Network Object Reference.
Function Approximation, Clustering, and Control Examples.
Shallow Neural Networks Bibliography.
Mathematical Notation.
Neural Network Blocks for the Simulink Environment.
Code Notes