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A unique resource that helps water engineers make quick evaluations and estimate design decisions
Water and wastewater treatment are essential processes in the water economy and as such, vital to the health and success of any community. At its core, the essence of this process is converting one analysis (source water, which can come from wells, lakes, sea, or wastewater) into goal water analysis, namely potable water that is suitable for human consumption. The process is generally separated by industrial and musical processes according to the source of the wastewater and its intended use, such that the water is cleaned of industrial and biological contaminants. This then can be reused in an industrial setting, allowed back into the environment, or made safe for consumption.
Water Contaminants
Suspended Solids
Dissolved Materials
Water Analysis
Contaminants Removal Methods
Settleables Removal
Removing Floatable
Dissolved Materials Removal Inorganics
Dissolved Organics
Dissolved Gases and Volatiles
Colloid Removal
Dealing with Pathogens
Process Design
Preliminary Design
Basic Design
Nature-Based Treatment Systems
Auxiliary Systems