SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Action Science-Fiction Stars: Greg Cipes, Hynden Walch, Khary Payton, Scott Menville, Tara Strong Series Plot: Teen Titans Go! is a character-driven comedy series focuses on the funny that happens in between saving the world and living together as teenagers without adult supervision. The comedic mayhem of the animated series is punctuated by pranks and the occasional need to fight crime, but it will also deal with the everyday issues of adolescence. With epic staring contests to decide who does the laundry, a series of quests and battles to construct the perfect sandwich or fighting crime in Jump City, one thing is for sure, these Titans will always be ready for an adventure inside the house and out.
EPISODE INFO Title: Justice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star: Second Greatest Team Edition - Part 1 Airdate: 2018-11-21 Episode plot: The Justice League holds another talent competition to find the second best superhero team in the world. The competition heats up and the Titans must find a way to beat the Hive Five.
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