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This volume continues the most up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of the most significant and recent changes to petroleum refining, presenting the state-of-the-art to the engineer, scientist, or student. This book provides the design of process equipment, such as vessels for the separation of two-phase and three-phase fluids, using Excel spreadsheets, and extensive process safety investigations of refinery incidents, distillation, distillation sequencing, and dividing wall columns. It also covers multicomponent distillation, packed towers, liquid-liquid extraction using UniSim design software, and process safety incidents involving these equipment items and pertinent industrial case studies. Useful as a textbook, this is also an excellent, handy go-to reference for the veteran engineer, a volume no chemical or process engineering library should be without. Written by one of the world’s foremost authorities, this book sets the standard for the industry and is an integral part of the petroleum refining renaissance. It is truly a must-have for any practicing engineer or student in this area.
Mechanical Separations
Packed Towers and Liquid–Liquid Extraction