SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Legal Stars: Wilson Bethel, Jessica Camacho, J. Alex Brinson, Lindsay Mendez, Ruthie Ann Miles Series Plot: All Rise is a courthouse drama that follows the chaotic, hopeful and sometimes absurd lives of its judges, prosecutors and public defenders, as they work with bailiffs, clerks and cops to get justice for the people of Los Angeles amidst a flawed legal process. Among them is newly appointed Judge Lola Carmichael, a highly regarded and impressive deputy district attorney who doesn't intend to sit back on the bench in her new role, but instead leans in, immediately pushing the boundaries and challenging the expectations of what a judge can be.
EPISODE INFO Title: Truth Hurts Airdate: 2022-08-02 Episode plot: Luke and Teddy are on opposite sides of a sexual assault case Lola is presiding over when things take a surprising turn. Mark goes up against the federal government on the smash and grab case and discovers new information about Amy and her ex-husband.
Episodes 8,9 are no good they have scrambled files (artifacts) I've downloaded from 3 different sources, so this screw up
must be from the original coder.
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