SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Stars: Myha'la Herrold, Marisa Abela, Harry Lawtrey, David Jonsson Fray, Conor MacNeill Series Plot: Industry follows a group of young graduates competing for a limited set of permanent positions at a top investment bank in London—but the boundaries between colleague, friend, lover, and enemy soon blur as they immerse themselves in a company culture defined as much by sex, drugs, and ego as it is by deals and dividends. As members of the group rise and fall, they must decide whether life is about more than the bottom line.
Thanks. Weird living in an economic collapse and watching one on the TV at the same time.
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by Guest-4125
on 2022-08-02 21:37:23
rlz 10/10 The show is what it is. 24 cents short of a quarter
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