SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Thriller Stars: Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Stephan James, Ari Graynor, Marianne Jean-Baptiste Series Plot: Set in high-end San Francisco, Surface follows Sophie, a woman who has suffered a traumatic head injury that has left her with extreme memory loss, believed to be a result of a suicide attempt. As Sophie embarks on a quest to put the pieces of her life back together with the help of her husband and friends, she begins to question whether or not the truth she is told is in fact the truth she has lived. Through twists and turns and a shocking love triangle, this sexy, elevated thriller asks: What if you woke up one day and didn't know your own secrets?
EPISODE INFO Title: Muscle Memory Airdate: 2022-07-29 Episode plot: Her suspicions of her husband growing, Sophie attempts to get away from James and learn the real truth about their marriage.
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