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The present work is a scientific and technical monograph to systematize for the first time the researches in theory and practice of the so-called by the author rotating-pulsed fluidized bed. The basic regularities in the hydrodynamics of the rotating-pulsed fluidized bed being introduced with an original method to describe the bed pressure drop are dealt with. The heat and mass transfer processes in drying and roasting of food, flavour and bio-products being studied in semi-industrial and industrial installations, designed and introduced into production by the author, are analyzed.
The monograph is intended for engineers designing industrial installations with a fluidized bed, as well as for scientists, PhD students and students in the relevant specialties of food engineering.
General characteristics of fluidized systems
Methods and apparatus for processing dispersed materials in a fluidized bed
Hydrodynamics and pressure drop of fluidized bed
Heat and mass transfer in a fluidized bed
Study of hydrodynamics and pressure drop in the rotating- pulsed fluidized bed
Fluidization curves
Hydrodynamics and pressure drops of rotating-pulsed fluidized bed – a physical and mathematical models
Analysis of the experimental data from the study of the pressure drop of rotating-pulsed fluidized bed
Minimum particle fluidization velocity
Pressure drop of a gas distribution device
Operating velocity. Fluidization number
Study of drying and roasting processes of food, flavour and bio-products in a rotating-pulsed fluidized bed
Drying of crystalline sea salt
Drying and roasting of oilseed nuts
Temperature curves
Drying kinetics
Kinetics of heating the material
Drying of bio-products produced by a solid-state fermentation
Intensity of heat and mass transfer
Drying of cut tobacco
Drying kinetics when processing cut tobacco