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The world of education is experiencing a time of unprecedented change. In our modern, Covid-racked world, educational institutions and their respective delivery methodologies have been forcibly and forever transformed. Most educators realize that these transformations are likely permanent and that procedures and systems of the past will no longer be relevant for the emerging post-Covid educational environment. The future provides countless challenges and great opportunities. Those embracing the transformation will be poised to usher in a new age of educational achievement. They will certainly unleash new educational methodologies, techniques, and strategies. These institutions and educators will chart tomorrow’s pathway.
Crossroads of Higher Education in Troubled Times Facing the Future of Work and the Subjective Well-Being of Professionals in Latin America
Globalization and Education: Trends towards Sustainability
A Demographic Shift in College Students: A Preparatory Guide for Political Scientists and the Discipline
Institutional Accreditation and the Professionalisation of Teaching in the HE Sector
Public-Private Participation in Funding University Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Nigerian Case-Study for Sustainable Development
Strategies Used by UNISA Student Teachers in Teaching English First Additional Language
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Africa Embracing the “New Normal” for Knowledge Production and Innovation: Barriers, Realities, and Possibilities
Higher Education in India: New Educational Policy – 2020 and Educational Issues in the Post-COVID-19 Pandemic
Relevancy of New Higher Education Approaches in ‘Second Republic Zimbabwe’
Mapping the Policy Regulatory Environment of Transnational Education (TNE) in the Ghanaian Tertiary Education System
Adoption of Online Learning during the Covid19 Pandemic Lockdown by Universities in Garowe
Embracing Technological Change in Higher Education
Socialization Experiences among Undergraduate Students in Higher Learning Institutions (HLI)
The Influence of Indian Ancient Educational Systems on India’s Educational Strategy
Online Teaching and Learning Ecology in Thai Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Imperative—and the Challenges—of Introducing a Citizen-Leader Development Program in an Undergraduate Liberal Arts Setting
Influence of Initial Study Activities on Final Academic Performance – An Analysis of Higher Education Students
Approach to Writing from Readers’ Perspectives: Incorporating Self-Evaluation, Peer Feedback, and Self-Reflection into Academic Writing
University Teachers’ Conceptions of What University Is: Implications for the Future of Higher Education