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Textbook in PDF format
Why Tips and Tricks?
Every chapter in C contains some rules and regulations. If we know the rules of a chapter, it becomes very easy to understand the topics. So all the rules and regulations of C have been taught in this book in the form of “tips and tricks” which help the student in:
understanding the topics smoothly,
preparing him for the written examination,
preparing him for campus placement.
The book contains some tricky questions which are commonly asked in the classroom, during viva voce and the interviews. Some questions focus at bringing out the subtle difference between similar looking concepts. These are “differentiate between” type. The objective is to bring in crystal clarity in the subject.
“Secret” problems in the book are intended to help the student in:
exploring and developing the inherent skills of a ready programmer,
motivating as a sesoned programmer to explore unknown concepts of C programming.
This new edition also contains 100 short-answer questions in the form of Chapter 4.
As you read the book on, you realize that C is truly a versatile language, and perhaps even after years of experience, we all are beginners in C. There is so much more to explore, learn and master!