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To manage our environment sustainably, professionals must understand the quality and quantity of our natural resources. Statistical analysis provides information that supports management decisions and is universally used across scientific disciplines. Statistics in Natural Resources: Applications with R focuses on the application of statistical analyses in the environmental, agricultural, and natural resources disciplines. This is a book well suited for current or aspiring natural resource professionals who are required to analyze data and perform statistical analyses in their daily work. More seasoned professionals who have previously had a course or two in statistics will also find the content familiar. This text can also serve as a bridge between professionals who understand statistics and want to learn how to perform analyses on natural resources data in R.
Visualizing Data
Summary statistics and distributions
Hypothesis tests for means and variances
Inference for counts and proportions
Inference for two-way tables
Sample size and statistical power
Linear regression
Multiple regression
Analysis of variance
Analysis of covariance
Logistic regression
Count regression
Linear mixed models
Communicating statistical results with visualizations