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Join the generations of students who have relied on this popular text to introduce them to common human diseases and disorders. Its concise, well-organized approach makes learning about the conditions nearly painless! You’ll better understand your patient’s condition and more easily form a plan of care. And it emphasizes the condition from the perspective of the patient, so you can empathize with the patient as you’re providing care. You’ll want to keep this book long after you’ve finished your program!
The Disease Process
Integrative Medicine and Complementary Therapies
Pain and Its Management
Infectious and Communicable Diseases
Congenital Diseases and Disorders
Mental Health Diseases and Disorders
Skin Diseases and Disorders
Musculoskeletal Diseases and Disorders
Nervous System Diseases and Disorders
Endocrine System Diseases and Disorders
Cardiovascular and Lymphatic System Diseases and Disorders
Respiratory System Diseases and Disorders
Digestive System Diseases and Disorders
Urinary System Diseases and Disorders
Reproductive System Diseases and Disorders
Eye and Ear Diseases and Disorders