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The Filters and Filtration Handbook is now approaching its 40th year of publication. The need for our industry is more important than at any time in the past. Population growth, urbanization, mineral resource scarcity, shortages of water, improving standards of living and increasing consumption are all drivers for the continuous development of the filtration and, more generally, separation industries. What we do to: Purify fluids, Recover solids, Protect, People, The environment, Processes, Machinery has a direct and vital influence on all aspects of modern life. In the Preface to the Fifth Edition, it is stated that it was not a handbook on process filtration, but focused on the purification of fluids. (Nevertheless, Ken Sutherland still included a great deal of information useful to the process engineer.) In this, the Sixth Edition, we broaden the scope so that it explicitly includes process filtration. This edition is still concerned with the purification of fluids, but also the recovery (and washing) of solids.
The aim is to provide a handbook for anyone involved in filtration for purification, isolation, recovery or environmental protection. This may be because they are involved in a one-off project that incorporates some filtration or they may be embarking on a career in filtration. It is a resource for engineers, primarily, but is written to be accessible for other practitioners. The authors have personally benefitted from earlier editions of this handbook close-by and hope that you will by having this edition. The previous editors of this handbook and many other people from the industry are gratefully acknowledged and any omissions or errors originate with the authors