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Calorimetry is used to measure the transfer and exchange of heat. It is a technique that has applications in different research and industrial sectors. It can be applied in kinetic studies as well as to measure physical changes of first- and second-order transitions such as glass transition, melting, and crystallization. It can also be used to evaluate thermodynamic parameters. This book reports on calorimetry in three sections: “Applications in General”, “Calorimetry in Materials”, and “Calorimetry in Biotechnology”.
Isothermal Calorimetry: Molecular Interactions between Small Molecules in Organic Solvents
A State of Art Review on Thermodynamics Performance Analysis in Pulse Detonation Combustor
Assessment of the Heat Capacity by Thermodynamic Approach Based on Density Functional Theory Calculations
Comparative Study of Setting Time and Heat of Hydration Development of Portland Cement According to EN 196-3
Calorimetry to Understand Structural Relaxation in Chalcogenide Glasses
Cone Calorimetry in Fire-Resistant Materials
Calorimetry to Quantify Protein-Ligand Binding
Calorimetry in Allergy Diagnostic