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This book provides an overview of recent developments in Kalman filter theory and their applications in engineering and scientific fields.
The book organized in blocks corresponding to recent advances in Kalman filtering theory, applications in medical and biological sciences, tracking and positioning systems, electrical engineering and, finally, industrial processes and communication networks.
-Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter and Its Applications in Nonlinear Control
-MMSE-Based Filtering for Linear and Nonlinear Systems in the Presence of Non-Gaussian System and Measurement Noise
-Kalman Filter in Control and Modeling
-Extended Kalman Filter Based Fuzzy Adaptive Filter
-Adaptive Robust Extended Kalman Filter
-Use of Constrained Nonlinear Kalman Filtering to Detect Pathological Constriction of Cerebral Arterial Blood Vessels
-The Use of Kalman Filter in Biomedical Signal Processing
-Extended Kalman Filtering for the Modeling and Estimation of ICG Pharmacokinetics in Cancerous Tumors using NIR Measurements
-Dual Unscented Kalman Filter and Its Applications to Respiratory System Modelling
-Position and Velocity Tracking in Cellular Networks Using the Kalman Filter
-Dead-Reckoning Method for Personal Navigation Systems Using Kalman Filtering Techniques to Augment Inertial/Magnetic Sensing
-Ultrasonic-Based Distance Measurement Through Discrete Extended Kalman Filter
-Localization Using Extended Kalman Filters in Wireless Sensor Networks
-Adaptive and Nonlinear Kalman Filtering for GPS Navigation Processing
-Innovation Approach Based Sensor FDI in LEO Satellite Attitude Determination and Control System
-Estimation of Electrical Power Quantities by Means of Kalman Filtering
-Kalman Filter on Power Electronics and Power Systems Applications
-Application of the Kalman Filters in the Self-Commissioning High-Performance Drive System with an Elastic Joint
-Grid Synchronization and Voltage Analysis Based on the Kalman Filter
-Application of the Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) Estimation Techniques for Fault Detection ----Diagnosis and Isolation (FDDI) in Attitude Control (AC) and Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems
-Kalman Filtering for Manufacturing Processes
-Applications of Robust Descriptor Kalman Filter in Robotics
-Joint MIMO Channel Tracking and Symbol Decoding
-Kalman Filtering Based Motion Estimation for Video Coding